The Method: MOVE

In Hartmanns’ Job Consulting, all our consultants work on the basis of evidence-based standards and theories. We have chosen to call our overall theoretical basis the MOVE Concept.

The MOVE Concept:

MOVE stands for: Multiteoretisk (multi-theoretical), Operationel (operational), Vidensskabende (knowledge-creating) and Evidensbaseret (evidence-based).
MOVE is based on the latest research and proven theory in the fields of positive psychology, neuropsychology, cognitive theory and methodology.
Overall, the MOVE concept represents an evidence-based foundation for working on the progression of unemployed individuals in their return to work.

The concept incorporates theories and methods in the areas of:

  • Change and progression
  • Coping and the belief in one’s own abilities
  • Motivation and the motivational interview
  • Strength-based coaching
  • Optimism
  • Decision-making processes and willpower

Resource- and strength-based approach

The MOVE concept was devised and developed in collaboration with psychologists and was defined on the basis of employee and client interviews. The resource- and strength-based approach is a consistent element of MOVE and in all of Hartmanns’ services. It means that we support and motivate people by promoting existing resources and developing new ones.

All Hartmanns’ Job Consulting, consultants undergo a comprehensive 2-year training programme in the MOVE concept, culminating in an external exam to ensure that our services are of the highest professional quality.

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